EMAIL: aricca@mhwministry.org

EMAIL: deacon@mhwministry.org
Aricca Fulbright affectionately referred to by friends and family as “Big Lovely” is an evangelist, certified trauma healing counselor, chaplain, entrepreneur, author, wife and mother. Aricca’s call to ministry was proposed through divine revelation rooted in the scripture “We are overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Revelation 12:11” In 2004, though this divine revelation, H.A.T. Day (Her Amazing Testimony was birthed in Orange County, California with a handful of women. Over time H.A.T. Day became a yearly women’s conference where women of God gathered in fellowship to share their testimonies, goals and prayers unto our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!
Aricca knew firsthand the struggles and strongholds women encountered daily as she herself was faced with the devastating loss of her parents 10 months apart. Following that year at the age of 27 she lost her grandmother, bridesmaid, and experienced a miscarriage in her marriage. Shortly after, she found herself battling cervical cancer, suffered an additional miscarriage, faced home foreclosure, car repossession and homelessness. In those dark moments of her life, Aricca found herself depressed, depleted and suicidal. Her most recent battle in December 2020 will stand to serve as one of her greatest testimonies to date as she suddenly found herself fighting for her life with a rare autoimmune disease called Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis which causes brain lesions/tumors on the brain and spine.
While in ICU Aricca experienced an out of body experience that changed her life forever. It was this experience that she encountered the supernatural presence of God.
Aricca knew firsthand the struggles and strongholds women encountered daily as she herself was faced with the devastating loss of her parents 10 months apart. Following that year at the age of 27 she lost her grandmother, bridesmaid, and experienced a miscarriage in her marriage. Shortly after, she found herself battling cervical cancer, suffered an additional miscarriage, faced home foreclosure, car repossession and homelessness. In those dark moments of her life, Aricca found herself depressed, depleted and suicidal. Her most recent battle in December 2020 will stand to serve as one of her greatest testimonies to date as she suddenly found herself fighting for her life with a rare autoimmune disease called Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis which causes brain lesions/tumors on the brain and spine. While in ICU Aricca experienced an out of body experience that changed her life forever. It was this experience that she encountered the supernatural presence of God.
Today, Evangelist Aricca serves as a chaplain & patient spokeswoman at Post-Acute Rehabilitation Hospital in Humble, TX & a chaplain at Cenikor Drug Rehabilitation Center in La Porte, TX. Additionally, Aricca serves as a prayer intercessor on 3 different prayer line ministry platforms throughout the U.S., Africa, Pakistan & India. Evangelist Aricca is an advocate against physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Through her testimony Evangelist Aricca’s mission is to witness outside the four walls of the traditional church to reach the loss and unlearn in Jesus Christ. Her focus is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through her testimony of faith, forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
Emanuel Elliott grew up in Port Lavaca, TX and attended St. Joseph Baptist Church, in which my father was the pastor. Bible study in our home was routine, so I learned about the Lord at a young age. Some of the saints said, “You’re going to be like your dad one day.” While serving in the Marine Corps during, “Operation Desert Storm” in Kuwait, I came under fire and retreated for cover. During those moments I said in prayer; “Lord if you get me out of this alive, I’ll serve you.” God heard my cry, and brought me out untouched in the right state of mind and able to retire with 21 years of service. I’ve never forgot that prayer, for it was the turning point in my life.
God has shown me my purpose, and that is saving souls. Here I am Lord, use me because I’ve got a made up mind to serve you. It gives me great joy and peace of mind to know that I’m on the battlefield for Him. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16